The allure of new beginnings across borders has never been more compelling. For many, immigration presents an opportunity to redefine their lives, careers, and futures. But with so many destinations to choose from, selecting the best country to call home can be a daunting task.

It requires a careful balance of economic prospects, quality of life, cultural integration, and legal considerations. This article aims to shed light on the top countries for potential immigrants, taking into account factors such as employment opportunities, healthcare, safety, and inclusivity.

Our goal is to guide you through the complex landscape of immigration, helping you find a country where you can thrive and build a fulfilling life.

Best Countries to Live in - How to Choose

Choosing the best (and richest) country to live in is a deeply personal decision influenced by a variety of factors, each carrying different weight depending on individual preferences, needs, and aspirations. However, several key considerations can help guide this significant choice.

Here are five tips to consider when selecting the best country for your new home:

Quality of Life: Research the quality of life in potential countries, including factors such as healthcare, safety, education, and environmental quality. Countries that rank high in these areas often provide a more comfortable and secure living environment. Look into indices and reports that rank countries based on quality of life indicators to get a comparative view.

Cost of Living: Evaluate the cost of living in relation to the standard of living in various countries. This includes the cost of housing, food, transportation, and other essentials. It’s important to consider not just the absolute costs but how they compare to average incomes in those countries to ensure you can maintain or improve your current standard of living. For example, Portugal has been rated as one of the best places to live in for an expat.

Employment Opportunities: Consider the job market and employment opportunities, especially in your field of expertise. Some countries may offer more opportunities in certain industries or have a higher demand for specific skills. Research the ease of finding employment, average salaries, working conditions, and work culture in your field.

Cultural Fit and Language: Think about the cultural aspects of potential countries, including language, traditions, and social norms. Living in a country where you can easily adapt to the culture and communicate in the local language (or where there’s a willingness to accommodate English speakers, if that’s your primary language) can greatly enhance your integration and overall experience.

Immigration Policies and Residency Rights: Investigate the immigration policies of the countries you are considering. Some countries have more straightforward paths to residency and citizenship than others. Consider visa requirements, the possibility of obtaining work permits, the ease of residency or citizenship applications, and any reciprocal agreements between your home country and the destination country.

Whether you’re looking for the best quality of life, one of the safest countries for your family, expanded career prospects in the best country to live in the future, better schooling for your children, political stability, or just a change of scenery, many factors like these give a better understanding of great countries to live in

Here are the 10 best nations to live in:

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Top Ten Best Countries to Live in 2024

1. Denmark

happiness index denmark south korea mexico city life expectancy countries in the world gender equality countries list first time other country third place cultural influence top spot best countries to live job opportunities one third safe environment economic stability sweden and norway peaceful environment strong social countries offer offers a high south korea well being baltic sea best countries to live northern europe oecd countries top countries life experience european nations bavarian alps largest economies island shores younger generation high living standards new place swiss confederation low crime rates crucial factor well developed infrastructure respectable position william russell happiness report factors contribute westernmost country cultural openness coastal lowland various factors unique blend top choices job opportunities one third safe environment economic stability sweden and norway peaceful environment strong social countries offer offers a high central europe economically stable happiness indexDenmark is at the top of the list of the top ten countries for quality of life.

This small Nordic country consistently ranks highly in international surveys on factors like happiness, income equality, safety, and access to education. It’s also a global leader in social welfare.

The Danish lifestyle is relaxed and stress-free, with plenty of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors.

The country is renowned for its bike-friendliness, from large cities like Copenhagen to small island towns like the South Funen Archipelago, and it’s easy to get around the country without a car.


The Danes have one of the best quality healthcare systems, which is evident from its citizens’ high lifespan and low mortality rate. The universal healthcare system runs under a well-developed public health insurance scheme that requires registration with the Danish Civil Registration System. Once enrolled, all Danish nationals are entitled to free universal health coverage.


The Danish government upholds the principle of free education at all levels. Regardless of what you choose to study or which public university you attend, there are no charges incurred or student loans to pay back.

By obtaining citizenship by investment in the European Union, you will have access to free higher education in Denmark as an EU citizen.

2. Norway

high quality of life work life balance high quality of life work life balance happiness index norway south korea mexico city life expectancy countries in the world gender equality countries list first time other country third place cultural influence top spot costa rica united arab emirates best country to live environmental sustainability best countries life quality european countries tropical climate three countries happiness index baltic sea work life balance european nations high quality of life well being work life balance happiness index high quality of life economically stable best countries

Although most Northern European countries enjoy many quality-of-life benefits, Norway, the largest country on the Scandinavian Peninsula, ranks among the highest on the Human Development Index.

Simple factors such as good governance, income equality, civil rights, low unemployment, and a high net worth per capita allow people living in Norway to enjoy a high standard of living in one of the best quality-of-life countries in Europe.

It was also the first country in Scandinavia to legalize same-sex marriage.

It’s one of the best countries in the world to work, with an average salary of $55,000 compared to $51,480 in the United States.

Although Norway imposes high-income taxes, the money generated is used well. It’s also a great country for expats who love the outdoors, with Jotunheimen National Park rated one of Europe’s best national parks.


Like most Nordic countries, Norway’s excellent healthcare system receives praise for its efficiency and simplicity. There is no requirement for private medical insurance as all residents have access to free health care paid for by government taxes.

The government subsidizes prescriptions and has a low universal cost, making them very affordable regardless of what kind of treatment you require.

As an expat in Norway, you’ll have access to high-quality care in addition to low wait times for appointments and health services.


Not only is the well-developed public education system in Norway free, but EU and EEA students are also eligible to receive a free bursary to support their education that does not need to be paid back.

Although international students no longer have access to free university education in Norway, the tuition fees are significantly lower than what students pay in the US, averaging 130,000 NOK (about $12,000) per semester.

3. Sweden

sweden world report environmental quality world report central european nation third best country european country

The most populous nation on the Scandinavian Peninsula, Sweden is often hailed as one of the best countries in the world to settle down in year after year, and it’s no wonder why.

It consistently ranks high on lists of the happiest nations in the world and on the Human Development Index.

The standard of living is fantastic. Foreigners often cite Sweden as one of the countries with the best quality of life for expats, offering a high level of freedom, low crime, high average income and income equality, and a beautiful country with loads to see and do.

Although it can be an expensive place to live, it’s still considered one of the best to live in 2024 as it’s one of the safest countries in the world, with a strong economy, and there are plenty of opportunities for expats to find well-paid jobs.

Swedish is widely spoken throughout the country. But don’t let that put you off, as it’s one of the best places to live for Americans, and one of the best English-speaking countries to live in the world, with 89 percent of the population under 60 years old speaking fluent English.


Unlike most Scandinavian nations, the Swedish healthcare system is decentralized and mainly government funded. Still, local authorities decide how it’s run and how much the total healthcare budget will be through local taxes.

The level of care you receive in one municipality could be slightly better or worse than in another, although the country generally provides high-quality healthcare overall.

Private global health insurance is available for those who want access to more healthcare options and faster treatment, costing as little as 4,000 kr (about $375) annually.


Sweden has a tax-funded well-developed public education system which is also decentralized. The government grants local authorities autonomy in designing course curricula as long as national standardized goals are met.

A growing number of independent educational institutions in the country are also funded through taxes. Children can choose whether to attend a public municipal school or an independent one.

Sweden is one of the best nations in the world to live with a family and raise children. From the age of three, there is already a heavy incorporation of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) curriculum in schools.

4. Switzerland

switzerland top 10 17,000 people quality of life world report best countries robust social welfare system capital city life quality highly developed economy exceptional job opportunities middle east economic growth quaint towns costa rica united kingdom united arab emirates chiang mai best countries to live

A historically wealthy nation, Switzerland ranks and has a long-standing reputation as a haven for the wealthy, and it’s also a haven for expats seeking a high standard of living from a new life abroad.

Home of the World Economic Forum, and as one of the world’s wealthiest countries per capita, it has the world’s most stable political systems, with long-standing neutrality concerning politics.

Its political and financial stability makes it one of the best countries in the future and an attractive destination for expats who want to avoid places with volatile politics.

While inflation has risen rapidly around the world, predominantly caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Switzerland has emerged relatively unharmed, with one of the lowest inflation rates in the world. This makes Switzerland the best country to live in after covid.

Swiss residents benefit from outstanding governance. Everything is highly refined, from public transport and healthcare to state education and digital services.

Although Switzerland ranks as having one of the highest costs of living of all European countries, the average salary is one of the highest in Europe, and the country ranked the highest in the 2022 Human Development Index.

The economy is run exceptionally well, and high earners benefit from much lower income tax rates. In addition to low taxes for individuals, businesses also benefit from a business-friendly environment with low corporate tax rates compared to Scandinavian countries like Finland and Denmark.

You can expect a great balance of everything that contributes to a high standard of living, such as efficiency, freedom, good infrastructure, and low crime.


Switzerland has a universal compulsory private health insurance system that the Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance regulates. It ensures that Swiss residents have access to affordable medical insurance policies, ranging from CHF 300 (about $330 ) to a maximum of CHF 2,500 (about $2,750) per annum.

Each canton in Switzerland sets its administrative policies, but regardless of where you live in Switzerland, you can expect to receive world-class healthcare.


A major factor for Switzerland’s high ranking it has one of the world’s best education systems, with free public secondary education, placing in ninth position out of 65 nations and economies in a recent OECD survey of educational standards among 15-year-olds.

Switzerland’s modern and well-developed public education system focuses heavily on real-world training as part of its curriculum.

VET programs (Vocational and Professional Education System) are introduced by the end of high school, combining vocational education with onsite training at a company. Additionally, children and young adolescents with special educational needs have a right to free schooling and support from specialists from birth to their 20th birthday.

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5. Australia

australia top 10Ranked in the top ten countries for multiple studies, including, human development, education, and best countries for women, there are countless reasons why Australia is considered the number one English-speaking country with the best quality of life.

The most populous nation in Oceania, although slightly further afield, a number of the best quality-of-life factors make it the perfect home away from home. 

For a start, the country has a stable and strong economy and maintains political neutrality.

Additionally, Australia ranks as having a high standard of living concerning healthcare and has a wide range of educational opportunities.

Australia ranked seventh on the OECD Better Life Index, based on living conditions and overall quality of life factors in several aspects such as the environment, community, and safety.

The nation also ranks in the top ten countries for average lifespan based on the UN Population Division.

The climate and scenery in Australia are also very pleasant, with lots of variation as one of the largest countries in the world. All major cities and towns run along its coastline. Australian cities like Sydney enjoy a more temperate climate throughout the year, making it one of the best warm countries to live in the world.

In contrast, isolated cities like Perth have hotter summers and colder winters.

6. The Netherlands

the netherlands quality of life top 10

The Netherlands is a liberal paradise and among the countries with the highest quality of life to match. Dutch people are known for being welcoming and tolerant of people of different cultures and beliefs.

It should come as no surprise that the Netherlands was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage. Its cultural influence has resonated throughout the world in all aspects.

Cycling is entrenched within Dutch culture, being the main form of transport for many people who live there.

Despite having the highest population density of all the large economies in the European Union, a profound cycling culture consistently places the Netherlands in high positions on low air pollution indexes. It maintains clean air quality even in compact cities.

The cost of living in the Netherlands is relatively affordable, especially compared to the largest countries in Western Europe.

And although the Dutch language can be challenging to learn, English is widely spoken throughout the nation, with 95 percent of the population speaking English.

7. Finland

finland top 10There’s no place I’d rather be is probably a fitting line for Finns. Rated as the world’s happiest country for five years in a row proves that Finnish citizens must be happy with the high standard of living in Finland.

There are many reasons why Finns live such happy lives. And a big reason goes back to Finnish culture.

Finnish philosopher Frank Martela describes Finns as generally happy people because Finnish culture is more accepting of negative emotions and tough times.

“Nobody goes through life without tragedies, so being able to accept the situation is helpful,” he says.

But this isn’t the only reason why Finns are happy. Although this relatively isolated country in northern Europe can be a bit pricey to live in due to high-income taxes, the trickle-down benefits of this are enormous.

Crime rates are criminally low – no pun intended – and it’s one of the safest countries in the world. According to Numbeo, it has the lowest pollution and the best air quality in the world. Tap water purity is also amongst the highest in any nation.

The high taxation system has also created the most comprehensive welfare system available. Welfare support matches the cost of living for things like maternity, job loss, and child care.

Daycare is heavily subsidized by the government and is calculated based on income, costing a maximum of €342 per month for full-time daycare, as opposed to a market-based economy like the US, with an average cost of $840.

8. Germany

germany According to expats living with family and young adults, Germany receives frequent praise for being among European Union countries with the highest standard of living.

It’s the nation that is home to the most expats in Europe, and justifiably so. 

Expats frequently cite Germany’s efficient infrastructure, the abundance of available activities, public services, income equality, and work opportunities in a wide range of industries as some of the main reasons why it’s such a great place to live and provides a good overall quality of life. 

The country boasts a rich cultural heritage and is home to some of the world’s most famous tourist destinations, like its capital city, Munich, Berlin, and Hamburg.

Germans also have the second highest-ranking passport in the world on the Global Passport Index, which measures the strength of a nation’s passport. Furthermore, Germany is one of the biggest contributors to the United Nations, demonstrating its dedication to peace.

9. Portugal

portugal 17,000 people social purpose eight years quality of life world reportIf you’re someone seeking the best places to live for American retirees, you’ve probably already found that Portugal in Western Europe is consistently featured at the top of many lists across the internet. 

What Portugal offers in the standard of living is hard for any nation in the European Union and worldwide to beat. It’s the ideal country to live in to live for all demographics of expats for numerous reasons.

Whether you’re a high-net-worth individual based in a tax haven like Monaco or enjoy a low living cost in a country like Thailand, you’ve likely felt the pinch of the rising cost of living.

Compared to the United States and other major countries in Western Europe, Portugal’s cost of living is undeniably low.

Just one example of this is you can expect to pay less than €800 per month for a one-bedroom apartment outside the center of Lisbon, whereas the same apartment in a similar location in London will cost more than €1,600.

Portugal also has one of the lowest crime rates compared to other EU countries. It has consistently ranked amongst the top nations on the Global Peace Index, measuring everything, from violent crime and incarceration rates to terrorism threats and political instability.

Beyond the cost of living and public safety, Portugal has abundant high-quality-of-life factors, such as a vibrant culture, amazing cuisine, great infrastructure, beautiful landscapes, and excellent weather year-round.

For expats looking to settle down in Europe, the residency permit offered through the Portugal Golden Visa program is one of the most accessible routes. Among the many benefits it provides for American expats and digital nomads, it also creates a path to citizenship and one of the best passports to have, according to the Global Passport Index. 

Interested in Portugal’s Golden Visa? Get in touch with our specialists at Global Citizen Solutions for more information on how we can help you secure Portuguese residency in no time.

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10. New Zealand

new zealand world report european country gender equality quality of life overall score other factors eight years popular destination sixth time top honors social purpose close second first time top 10 17,000 peopleNew Zealand is the land of natural beauty, friendly people, and enviable political stability.

Whether you’re looking for a high standard of living in an urban environment or a more rural setting, the country has something for everyone and is no doubt one of the best countries with a good quality of life

The standard of living in New Zealand is unmatched for anyone looking for the perfect place for an outdoor active lifestyle and to explore nature.

It’s home to some of Earth’s most spectacular landscapes and natural wonders.

You’re always close to a national park where you are. And coupled with the unique wilderness, the country has excellent infrastructure in rural, allowing you to experience it all effortlessly.

The government emphasizes cultural diversity and maintaining the rich and distinguished culture of the Māori people; This is profoundly evident throughout the state education system and politics.

Although a very isolated and relatively small nation, far from countries in Southeast Asia like Thailand and Singapore and even further from the US, it’s a stable and prosperous nation. A top spot with plenty of work opportunities, and residents enjoy unbounded safety and security.

Our Global Passport Index

How do you measure a passport? While most passport indexes focus solely on visa-free access to countries, Global Citizen Solutions has developed its own innovative method to measure a passport’s worth.

Based not only on visa-free access but also on investment opportunities and quality of life factors, we believe that expats are looking beyond simple mobility benefits when considering moving country or securing a second passport.

Split into three indices, Enhanced Mobility Index, Investment Index, and Quality of Life Index, to give a complete Global Passport Index ranking – we hope to provide a complete guide to a passport’s worth.

You can see where the above countries rank in our Quality of Life Index, a great indicator to help you determine which country may be the perfect match for you.

Frequently Asked Questions about Best Countries to Live in the World Ranking

Which is the best country in the world to live in?

The best nation in the world to live in is Switzerland due to its high ranking on the overall best places to live by US News, the Human Development Index, and the expats explorer rating for living standards.

For those reasons in addition to its political stability and stable economy, many consider it the greatest country in the world.

Which country is number one in the world?

The world’s number one country is Switzerland, ranked as the best in a 2022 quality-of-life study by the Brand Asset Valuator Group – a division of the global marketing communications company WPP, and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Which country is best to start a life?

Switzerland is the best place to live in, as it ranks highly on the world report Human Development Index, Social Progress Index, and Quality-of-Life Index.

According to data from the United Nations Population Division, Switzerland also ranks first in Europe and fourth in the world after Hong Kong, Macao, and Japan for life expectancy.

What is the nicest country in the world?

The nicest country in the world depends on what features of a country appeal to you the most.

If you’re drawn to the outdoors and unique natural landscapes that don’t exist anywhere else on Earth, then New Zealand or Iceland may be the nicest country for you, whereas for quality education, family life, social services, and one of the happiest countries, you may prefer Finland.

If you’re passionate about social care, the highest level of public services, and high public expenditure, a global leader like Finland or Norway could be the world’s nicest country when considering moving abroad.

Other countries in the European Union, like Switzerland, Portugal, and Ireland, are the nicest for those involved with global entrepreneurship.

What are the best English speaking countries to live in?

Some best English speaking countries to live, known for their quality of life, opportunities, and overall appeal include:

  1. Canada: Renowned for its welcoming immigration policies, high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and natural beauty.
  2. Australia: Offers a diverse landscape, strong economy, high-quality education system, and a laid-back lifestyle.
  3. New Zealand: Known for its stunning scenery, low crime rate, friendly locals, and emphasis on work-life balance.
  4. United Kingdom: Provides a rich cultural heritage, world-class healthcare and education, vibrant cities, and diverse career opportunities.
  5. Ireland: Famous for its friendly atmosphere, picturesque landscapes, strong economy, and high-quality education system.

What are the best best Spanish speaking countries to live in?

Some of the best Spanish-speaking countries to live in include Spain, Argentina, Mexico and Costa Rica.

What are the best affordable countries to live in the world?

Several countries around the world offer a relatively low cost of living while still providing a good quality of life. Some of these include Vietnam, Thailand, Mexico and Portugal.

These countries vary in terms of culture, climate, and lifestyle, so it’s essential to consider your preferences and priorities when choosing a place to live.

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