Visa requirements for St Lucia citizens are entry restrictions set by foreign authorities for citizens of St Lucia. As of July 2024, there are 148 St Lucia passport visa free countries. With a Global Passport Index ranking of 75th, Saint Lucian passport holders can travel visa free to countries like South Korea, the UK, and Schengen countries.

Countries Allowing Visa Free Entry for St Lucia Passport Holders

Here is a list of 86 countries and territories Saint Lucian citizens have visa free access to.

Andorra Germany Norway
Angola Greece Palestine, State of
Argentina Guatemala Panama
Austria Guyana Peru
Bahamas Haiti Philippines
Barbados Honduras Poland
Belgium Hong Kong Portugal
Belize Hungary Romania
Bosnia and Herzegovina Iceland San Marino
Botswana Ireland Singapore
Brazil Israel Slovakia
Bulgaria Italy Slovenia
Chile Jamaica Spain
Colombia Kiribati Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Costa Rica Latvia Suriname
Croatia Lesotho Sweden
Cuba Liechtenstein Switzerland
Cyprus Lithuania Taiwan, Province of China
Czech Republic Luxembourg Tanzania, United Republic of
Denmark Malawi Trinidad and Tobago
Dominican Republic Malaysia Tunisia
Ecuador Malta United Kingdom
El Salvador Mauritius Uzbekistan
Estonia Micronesia, Federated States of Vanuatu
Eswatini Moldova, Republic of Holy See (Vatican City State)
Fiji Monaco Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Finland Montenegro Zambia
France Netherlands Zimbabwe
Gambia Nicaragua

Countries Allowing Entry without a Passport for St Lucia Citizens

Here is a list of five countries Saint Lucians can enter using their national ID card.

Antigua and Barbuda
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Countries Granting a Visa on Arrival to St Lucia Passport Holders

Here is a list of 26 countries and territories that Saint Lucians have visa on arrival access to.

Bangladesh Lao People's Democratic Republic Senegal
Bolivia, Plurinational State of Macao Sierra Leone
Burundi Madagascar Solomon Islands
Cambodia Maldives Somalia
Cabo Verde Mauritania Timor-Leste
Comoros Mozambique Togo
Egypt Nepal Tonga
Ghana Palau Tuvalu
Guinea-Bissau Rwanda Turkey
Jordan Samoa

Countries Granting an e-Visa to St Lucia Passport Holders

The table below lists 33 countries that allow St Lucia passport holders to obtain an electronic visa (e-Visa):

Albania Equatorial Guinea Oman
Armenia Ethiopia Pakistan
Australia Gabon Papua New Guinea
Bahrain Georgia Sao Tome and Principe
Benin Guinea Korea, Republic of
Bhutan India South Sudan
Burkina Faso Iran, Islamic Republic of Sri Lanka
Cameroon Kazakhstan Tajikistan
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Kyrgyzstan Thailand
Côte d'Ivoire Mongolia Uganda
Djibouti Nigeria Viet Nam

Countries Granting eTA to Saint Lucian Passport Holders

Here is a list of four countries Saint Lucian citizens can enter without a visa by obtaining electronic travel authorization.

Korea, Republic of
Sri Lanka

Countries that Require St Lucia Passport Holders to Apply for Visa

Here is a list of 45 countries and territories that require Saint Lucian citizens to apply for a visa.

Afghanistan Lebanon Paraguay
Algeria Liberia Qatar
Azerbaijan Libya Russian Federation
Belarus Mali Saudi Arabia
Brunei Darussalam Marshall Islands Serbia
Canada Mexico South Africa
Central African Republic Morocco Sudan
Chad Myanmar Syrian Arab Republic
SAR China Namibia Turkmenistan
Congo Nauru Ukraine
Eritrea New Zealand United Arab Emirates
Indonesia Niger United States
Iraq Nigeria Uruguay
Japan Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Yemen
Kuwait North Macedonia

Other requirements for St Lucia nationals

  1. The cost to obtain regular visas varies depending on the nation and visa type. Some countries may require St Lucians to submit additional documents or fees, such as an invitation letter or a health certificate, to qualify for the required visa. 
  2. Entry requirements for specific countries may differ depending on entry points or states that passport holders must have a certain amount of validity left on their passports or obtain a visa prior to arrival.

It’s worth noting that the complete list of visa policies for St Lucian citizens in the above list is subject to change, and it’s crucial to check the latest travel advisories before planning your trip.

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Overview of the Saint Lucian Passport

St Lucia citizens can travel visa free to almost 150 countries worldwide without applying for regular visas for common periods such as 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. Visa free access includes countries allowing St Lucia citizens to gain access with an eVisa, visa on arrival, or electronic travel authorization (eTA).

Europe: A St Lucia passport affords the holder fantastic travel benefits, including access to travel destinations such as the United Kingdom, the European Union, and territories of European countries like French Guiana, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat, and the Faroe Islands.

Asia: Numerous Asian countries allow visa free travel, eVisa, visa on arrival, and eTA access, including South Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore. While St Lucians don’t have access to mainland China, they can access SAR China, including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

Africa: African countries that allow visa free travel for St Lucians include Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, and Sierra Leone.

Oceania: New Zealand requires Saint Lucian citizens to obtain a visa, but Saint Lucian passport holders enjoy visa free access to its territories, including the Cook Islands and Niue, as well as Samoa and Fiji.

St Lucia is a member of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), allowing citizens to live or work indefinitely in the following member states with no visa requirements:

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Dominica
  • Grenada
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines

As a member of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), Saint Lucians can also visit any CARICOM nation for up to six months without a visa.

How to Obtain a Saint Lucian Passport

Foreign nationals can invest in St Lucia and obtain a passport through the country’s citizenship program. Investment options include.

  • $240,000 non-refundable contribution to the National Economic Fund
  • $300,000 purchase of pre-approved St Lucia real estate
  • $3.5 million sole investment or $250,000 joint investment in a $6 million venture.
  • $300,000 government bonds acquisition

Take a look at our St Lucia Passport by Investment Ultimate Guide


Why use Global Citizen Solutions?

Global Citizen Solutions is a multidisciplinary firm offering bespoke residence and citizenship solutions in Europe and the Caribbean. In a world where the economy and politics are unpredictable, having a second citizenship opens up opportunities and creates flexibility for you and your family.

So, why work with Global Citizen Solutions
to obtain St Lucia citizenship?


  • Authorized International Marketing Agent. Global Citizen Solutions have official certification by the Government of St Lucia to promote and market their Citizenship by Investment program. You can find a copy of our certificate by clicking the image on the right
  • Global approach by local experts. We are corporate members of the Investment Migration Council, with local expertise in all five Caribbean CBI programs.
  • 100 percent approval rate. We have never had a case rejected and will offer you an initial, free-of-charge, due diligence assessment before signing any contract.
  • Independent service and full transparency. We will present to you all the investment options available, and all expenses will be discussed in advance, with no hidden fees.
  • An all-encompassing solution. A multidisciplinary team of immigration lawyers, investment specialists, and tax experts will take into consideration all your and your family's mobility, tax, and lifestyle needs.
  • Confidential service and secure data management. All private data is stored within a GDPR-compliant database on a secure SSL-encrypted server.

Frequently Asked Questions about Visa Free Countries for Saint Lucians

How many countries can you travel visa free with a Saint Lucia passport?

According to the Global Passport Index, there are 148 St Lucia visa free countries.

Do Saint Lucians need a visa to travel to the United Kingdom?

Saint Lucia citizens can travel to the United Kingdom for up to six months without a regular visa. However, travel for business purposes requires applying for a visa.

Does a St Lucian passport allow visa free travel to Canada?

St Lucian passport holders do not have visa free access to Canada or the option to obtain Canada electronic travel authorization (eTA). Saint Lucian citizens must apply for a visa to travel to Canada. However, St Lucian citizens who have either held a prior visa for Canada in the last ten years or who currently hold a valid United States visa have visa free access by qualifying for an eTA.

Do St Lucia passport holders need a visa for the USA?

Saint Lucian citizens are not eligible for visa free travel to the United States. Saint Lucian passport holders must apply for a visa through the appropriate channels to visit the USA.

Do Saint Lucians need a visa for Dubai?

St Lucia citizens do not have visa free travel Dubai and must apply for a regular visa to gain entry into Dubai or any other Emirate of the United Arab Emirates.

What are Saint Lucia passport eTA countries?

The requirements to travel without a visa for some visa free countries for Saint Lucia citizens include obtaining a visa on arrival, applying for an e-visa, or submitting to an online pre-screening for Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). Destinations that allow visa free access by issuing eTA include:

  • Kenya
  • Seychelles
  • South Korea
  • Sri Lanka

Do Saint Lucians need a visa to travel to Europe?

Saint Lucian citizens have visa free access to European Union countries for 90 days within 180 days. The requirement doesn’t involve obtaining or holding a valid visa, but entry requirements from 2025 for the European Union and Schengen countries will include obtaining an ETIAS prior to travel.

Do St Lucians need a visa for Mexico?

Mexico is not one of the visa free countries for St Lucia passport holders, and citizens of St Lucia require regular visas to gain entry.

Can I live in the UK with a St Lucia passport?

As citizens of a sovereign state and non-British Overseas Territory, Saint Lucians must obtain the necessary residency visa to live in the United Kingdom.

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