Spain is a land rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, with diverse landscapes that range from the Pyrenees mountains in the north to the sunny beaches of the Mediterranean. So while you have access to magical landscapes and bustling cities on a Spain passport, visa free countries are only a short airplane trip away.

Spain is famous for its vibrant traditions, such as flamenco music and dance, bullfighting, and festivals like La Tomatina. It is also celebrated for its world-renowned cuisine, which includes paella, tapas, and Rioja wine.

If that sounds like your idyllic home country, this guide walks you through all the benefits of having a Spanish passport, which countries you can visit without a visa, and where you can go through a visa on arrival.

Visa Free Countries for Spain Passport Holders

The list below is all the countries where holders of a Spain passport can visit without having to obtain a visa before traveling.

Albania Guatemala Peru
Andorra Guyana Philippines
Angola Haiti Poland
Antigua and Barbuda Honduras Portugal
Argentina Hong Kong Romania
Armenia Hungary Saint Kitts and Nevis
Austria Iceland Saint Lucia
Bahamas Ireland Samoa
Barbados Israel San Marino
Belarus Italy Sao Tome and Principe
Belgium Jamaica Senegal
Belize Japan Serbia
Bolivia, Plurinational State of Kazakhstan Seychelles
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kiribati Singapore
Botswana Kyrgyzstan Slovakia
Brazil Latvia Slovenia
Brunei Darussalam Lesotho Solomon Islands
Bulgaria Liechtenstein South Africa
Cabo Verde Lithuania Korea, Republic of
Chile Luxembourg Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
China Macao Sweden
Colombia Malaysia Switzerland
Costa Rica Malta Taiwan, Province of China
Croatia Marshall Islands Tajikistan
Cyprus Mauritius Thailand
Czechia Mexico Timor-Leste
Denmark Micronesia, Federated States of Tonga
Dominica Moldova, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Dominican Republic Monaco Tunisia
Ecuador Mongolia Tuvalu
El Salvador Montenegro Turkey
Estonia Morocco Ukraine
Eswatini Mozambique United Arab Emirates
Fiji Namibia United Kingdom
Finland Netherlands Uruguay
France Nicaragua Uzbekistan
Gabon North Macedonia Vanuatu
Gambia Norway Holy See (Vatican City State)
Georgia Palau Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Germany Palestine, State of Viet Nam
Greece Panama Zambia
Grenada Paraguay

Visa on arrival countries for Spain Passport Holders

The list below shows all the countries where holders of Spanish passports can visit by getting a visa when they land at the airport.

Bahrain Indonesia Nepal
Bangladesh Iraq Oman
Burkina Faso Jordan Qatar
Burundi Kuwait Rwanda
Cambodia Lao People's Democratic Republic Saudi Arabia
Comoros Lebanon Sierra Leone
Egypt Madagascar Somalia
Ethiopia Malawi Tanzania, United Republic of
Ghana Maldives Togo
Guinea-Bissau Mauritania Zimbabwe

Countries that require an eVisa for Spain Passport Holders

The list below is all the countries where holders of a Spain passport can visit by getting an electronic visa before traveling.

Australia Djibouti Nigeria
Azerbaijan Equatorial Guinea Pakistan
Benin Guinea Papua New Guinea
Bhutan India Russian Federation
Cameroon Iran, Islamic Republic of South Sudan
Canada Kenya Sri Lanka
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Myanmar Uganda
Côte d'Ivoire New Zealand United States

Countries with Visa Requirements for Spain Passport Holders

The list below shows all the countries requiring Spanish passport holders to apply for a visa before making travel arrangements.

Afghanistan Eritrea Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Algeria Liberia Sudan
Central African Republic Libya Suriname
Chad Mali Syrian Arab Republic
Congo Nauru Turkmenistan
Cuba Niger Yemen

Take a look at our Golden Visa Spain 2024 Ultimate Guide by Experts

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Overview of a Spanish Passport

The Spanish passport is one of the most powerful in the world, allowing visa-free or visa on arrival access to over 180 countries. This extensive access is a testament to Spain’s strong international relations and global standing.

Spanish citizens have the privilege of easy travel for tourism and business, which can open doors to a wide variety of experiences and opportunities across different continents.

As a member of the European Union and the Schengen Agreement, a Spanish passport grants the right to live, work, and study in any EU country without additional permits, which is a significant advantage for personal and professional development.

The strength of the Spanish passport is not just in the number of countries it allows access to but also in the ease and convenience it offers for global mobility.

Since Spain is an EU member state and part of the Schengen Area, obtaining the Spain Golden Visa means you can travel visa-free to all 26 countries constituting the Schengen zone. The Schengen Zone encompasses a monumental agreement among European countries, allowing free and unrestricted movement across their borders as if they were a single country for international travel purposes.

The Schengen zone comprises 26 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Spanish Golden Visa

The Spanish Golden Visa was launched in 2013 as part of the national strategy to boost the Spanish economy and increase foreign investment. Also known as the Investor Visa, Spain’s Golden Visa is a residency by investment program offering non-EU citizens legal residence in Spain in exchange for significant capital investment in the country.

Please note that the Spanish Golden Visa is not a direct route to obtain Spanish citizenship. However, after acquiring a Spain Golden Visa and spending ten years as a Spanish resident, you could be eligible for citizenship.

The Spanish Investor Visa program grants qualifying individuals a renewable, temporary residence permit in exchange for an investment in the country. Individuals can either purchase real estate, invest in Spanish companies, invest in funds or bank deposits, create employment opportunities, or make a qualifying contribution to government bonds.

Eligibility criteria and requirements

bank services guidelines st lucia spain visa free countries, respective nation's visa regulations, visa waiver policy prior visa temporary travel restrictions travel destination countryAny non-EU, non-EEA, or non-Swiss citizen with a clean criminal record and who makes a qualifying financial investment in the Spanish economy is eligible for a residence permit under the investment immigration program, along with their immediate and dependent family members.

If you and your family decide to live in Spain, you become eligible for permanent residency after five years. However, you have to demonstrate that you spent more than 183 days per year in the country.

The general Golden Visa Spain requirements are:

  • The primary applicant must be over 18 years of age.
  • The primary applicant must make a significant investment as stipulated by the Spanish government and provide proof of the respective financial investment.
  • Applicants must possess a clean criminal record
  • Applicants must not be on the nation’s list of undesirable people
  • Applicants must have valid medical insurance coverage and an official health certificate
  • Applicants must not have previously been refused visas or entry into the Schengen zone
  • Applicants must have sufficient funds to sustain themselves and their family members while they reside in Spain

In order to apply for Spanish citizenship by investment, Golden Visa holders with a temporary residence permit must live in Spain for ten years (minimum 183 days per year).

The person can’t be absent from the country for more than six months continuously in these ten years. For nationals of former Spanish colonies, the stay requirement is that they have to live in Spain for two years and can’t be absent from the country for more than three months per year.

Benefits of a Spanish Passport

Extensive visa free access: Spanish passport holders enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 180 countries, including the USA, Canada, and the majority of countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. This makes international travel for both leisure and business highly convenient and hassle-free.

electronic visas id card schengen countries financial means foreign country free consultation hong kong visa free countries EU membership benefits: As Spain is a member of the European Union, Spanish citizens have the right to live, work, and study in any other EU country without the need for additional permits or visas, offering a wealth of opportunities for career growth, education, and cultural experiences.

Access to Schengen Area: Holding a Spanish passport allows unrestricted travel within the Schengen Area, which encompasses 26 European countries that have abolished passports and other types of border control at their mutual borders, facilitating easy and efficient intra-European travel.

Consular support and protection: Spanish citizens can rely on consular support and protection from any EU member state when traveling abroad, especially in countries where Spain may not have a significant diplomatic presence. This provides an added layer of security in case of emergencies. Strong global reputation: Spain’s passport is globally respected and ranks high in terms of travel freedom. This strong reputation can facilitate smoother travel experiences, including easier processing at border controls and wider acceptance of visa applications to countries that do require them.

How Can Global Citizen Solutions Help You?

Global Citizen Solutions is a boutique migration consultancy firm with years of experience delivering bespoke residence and citizenship by investment solutions for international families. With offices worldwide and an experienced, hands-on team, we have helped hundreds of clients worldwide acquire citizenship, residence visas, or homes while diversifying their portfolios with robust investments. 

We guide you from start to finish, taking you beyond your citizenship or residency by investment application. 

Frequently Asked Questions about the Spanish Passport

Do you need a visa for the US when traveling on a Spanish passport?

No, you don’t. Spanish passport holders enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 180 countries, including the USA, Canada, and the majority of countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

How strong is Spain’s passport?

On our Global Passport Index, Spain ranks 21st. It scores 4th place in the Enhanced Mobility Index, ranks 53rd on the Investment Index, and ranks 9th on the Quality of Living Index.

How long does it take to become a Spanish citizen?

In order to apply for Spanish citizenship by investment, Golden Visa holders with a temporary residence permit must live in Spain for ten years.

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