Antigua and Barbuda announced eligibility requirements that allow entire families to qualify for Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment (CBI).

In this article, you will be able to find out about the eligibility requirements for the inclusion of dependents in the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment program.

The current standard to obtain citizenship for family members is favorable and considered the most “family-friendly” among Caribbean citizenship programs. By broadening its ‘dependents’ definition and eligibility to be granted citizenship by investment, Antigua and Barbuda makes clear its efforts to welcome foreign nationals who invest in Antigua and Barbuda and their family members.

Dependent siblings, grandchildren, and future spouses can also submit direct citizenship applications through the country’s CBI program.

⚠️ Antigua and Barbuda Extends Deadline for CBI Price Increase

Following the MoU Agreement, Antigua and Barbuda announced a one-month extension to the deadline for implementing the new minimum investment threshold for its citizenship by investment program.

Antigua and Barbuda will implement the new threshold by July 30, 2024. This extension benefits potential applicants by providing additional time to submit their Caribbean Citizenship applications under the current investment threshold of $100,000.

With the new deadline, we strongly encourage applicants to submit their applications promptly to lock in the current rates and avoid the forthcoming price increase.

Eligible Family Members for Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment

According to the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU), the government authority responsible for overseeing the country’s citizenship program, the following dependents are eligible for citizenship by investment program:

  • A spouse of the main applicant
  • A child of the main applicant or their spouse who is under 30 and financially dependent on the principal applicant
  • A child of the main applicant or their spouse who is 18 or older but physically or mentally handicapped, residing with and is fully dependent on the principal applicant
  • A parent or grandparent of the main applicant or their spouse who is 55 or older and financially dependent on the principal applicant
  • A sibling of the main applicant or their spouse, if unmarried
  • A future spouse of the principal applicant. (A fee of $50,000 is payable upon application)
  • A future spouse of dependent children where the dependent child is financially dependent on the principal applicant
  • A future child of a dependent child. (A fee of $10,000 is to be payable for children under six years of age and $20,000 for children 6-17 years of age)

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Antigua & Barbuda CBI Investment Options

1. Antigua National Development Fund contribution

The primary investment option of the Antigua and Barbuda citizenship program is a $100,000 non-refundable donation to the Antigua and Barbuda National Development Fund (NDF). Investors can include up to five family members with a monetary contribution of $125,000.

2. Real estate investment

Antigua and Barbuda real estate investment in government-approved real estate projects with a minimum value of $200,000 qualify for the Antigua and Barbuda program. The applicant investing is not required to make additional real estate investments to include family members besides government fees.

3. University of the West Indies Fund contribution

Families of six or more individuals can acquire an Antigua and Barbuda passport if the primary applicant contributes $150,000 to the University of the West Indies Fund. The University of the West Indies Fund option does not require additional contributions to include additional dependent children or other eligible family members and entitles one family member to a year’s free tuition at the university.

4. Business investment

Foreign direct investment in a local business project of $1.5 million as a sole investor or a minimum investment of $400,000 through a joint investment totaling $5 million allows six or more family members, including unmarried siblings, to obtain multiple citizenship and an Antigua passport. There are no additional investment requirements, excluding the necessary processing fees, due diligence fees, and passport fees.

Benefits of the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program for Large Families

  • Family inclusion: Antigua and Barbuda extends eligibility for citizenship by investment to large families of six or more, including spouses, dependent children, parents, grandparents, and siblings.
  • Visa free travel: All family members are eligible for Antigua and Barbuda passports, providing enhanced global mobility with visa free entry or visa on arrival access to more than 150 countries worldwide.
  • Fast processing time: Citizenship applicants and their families can complete the application process and obtain an Antigua and Barbuda citizenship certificate within four to five months with no requirement to visit Antigua to fulfill the strict due diligence checks.
  • Education opportunities: Antigua and Barbuda citizens have access to a high-quality Caribbean education system, with the added benefit of a tuition-free year of study available through the UWI Fund investment option.
  • Tax benefits: Antigua and Barbuda offers investors and their families an attractive tax regime, including no personal income tax on worldwide income, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, or wealth tax.
  • Financial returns: Investors can qualify for the Antigua and Barbuda CBI program through a real estate purchase and acquire citizenship along with the option to earn rental income.
  • Citizenship for future generations: Successful applicants of the Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment program can pass citizenship to future spouses, children, and grandchildren.

Why use Global Citizen Solutions?

Global Citizen Solutions is a multidisciplinary firm offering bespoke residence and citizenship solutions in Europe and the Caribbean. In a world where the economy and politics are unpredictable, having a second citizenship opens up opportunities and creates flexibility for you and your family.

So, why work with Global Citizen Solutions to obtain Antigua and Barbuda citizenship?

  • Authorized International Marketing Agent. Global Citizen Solutions have official certification by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda to promote and market their Citizenship by Investment program. You can find a copy of our certificate by clicking the image on the right
  • Global approach by local experts. We are corporate members of the Investment Migration Council, with local expertise in all five Caribbean CBI programs.
  • 100 percent approval rate. We have never had a case rejected and will offer you an initial, free-of-charge, due diligence assessment before signing any contract.
  • Independent service and full transparency. We will present to you all the investment options available, and all expenses will be discussed in advance, with no hidden fees.
  • An all-encompassing solution. A multidisciplinary team of immigration lawyers, investment specialists, and tax experts will take into consideration all your and your family's mobility, tax, and lifestyle needs.
  • Confidential service and secure data management. All private data is stored within a GDPR-compliant database on a secure SSL-encrypted server.

Frequently Asked Questions about Family Eligibility for Antigua Citizenship by Investment

What is the processing time for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship applications for families?

While the exact processing time for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment applications can fluctuate, potential applicants and their families can generally expect the citizenship application process to take anywhere from four to five months, provided they fulfill the requirements set by the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Unit. The citizenship process from a non-refundable contribution is generally faster than business investments or real estate purchases due to its simplicity.

Is there a requirement for physical presence or residency for families to obtain Antigua citizenship?

There is no requirement to be physically present or to have maintained permanent residence in Antigua and Barbuda for applicants and their family members to qualify for Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship program and an Antigua passport offering visa free access. The only residency requirement is five days of residency in the first five years of obtaining citizenship to maintain dual citizenship status.

Can a family lose citizenship obtained through investment under certain circumstances?

Acquiring citizenship by investment in countries like Antigua and Barbuda is subject to specific conditions and requirements to maintain Caribbean citizenship. Families risk losing their dual citizenship by failing to comply with these conditions, which typically include:

  • Fraudulent citizenship application, such as not disclosing a criminal record
  • Failure to fulfill ongoing financial obligations, such as maintaining a qualifying real estate investment for five years
  • Failure to fulfill a minimum residency requirement
  • Establishing economic ties with a restricted country

How do I get Antigua citizenship by descent?

You qualify for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by descent and an Antigua and Barbuda passport if either of your parents or grandparents was a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda or would have been entitled to citizenship on 31 October 1981. A child can also acquire Antigua citizenship by descent if one of their parents acquired Antigua citizenship by investment as the dependent child of a primary applicant. A fee of $10,000 is applicable if the child is under six years old or $20,000 if the child is between 6 and 17 years old, payable to the Antigua Citizenship by Investment Unit.