Why work with GCS for your E-2 Visa application?

Why work with GCS for your E-2 Visa application?

1. We offer a personalized and independent service for our clients, featuring consultation services conducted by external, reputable US lawyers who are well-versed in the intricacies of the E-2 Visa process. Working with experienced professionals ensures peace of mind and helps prevent costly mistakes.

2. We will assist you in crafting your business plan based on your business concept and investment strategy. We'll lead you through establishing your business and ensure compliance with all of the E-2 Visa requirements.

3. We have a large team of local case executives, immigration lawyers, and investment specialists with more than five decades of combined experience who can help you throughout your journey to secure an E-2 Visa.

4. We are a proud corporate member of the Investment Migration Council (IMC). This allows us to collaborate with international stakeholders, establish high ethical standards, and enhance our client's experiences.

5. Our immigration team has the unique distinction of never having had an E-2 case rejected. Our 100 percent approval rate sets us apart from our competitors and provides reassurance that you can expect a successful application.

6. We are not a marketing agency for any projects. We don't represent any company, and we provide a completely unbiased service, allowing you to establish your business in the US with complete confidence.

7. Our systematic and 360-degree solution approach provides a holistic overview for our clients, ensuring that no stone is left unturned and that you have all the information at your fingertips. The BeGlobal Onboarding System® allows you to access the status of your application every step of the way, something that sets us apart from our competitors.

8. A dedicated Case Executive can assist at any time and will keep you informed about updates you should be aware of. With a single channel of communication, our hand-holding approach ensures that you have complete clarity on your investment and E-2 application.

9. Our onboarding and immigration teams will assist you throughout your journey. From choosing the right investment option to being issued with your E-2 Visa and beyond, we can provide you with assistance every step of the way.

10. Your privacy is fundamental to everything that we do. All data is stored within a GDPR-compliant database on a secure SSL-encrypted server. You can be safe in the knowledge that your personal data is completely protected.

11.  Our pricing is clear and detailed. As there is one fee for the entire process, you can be confident that you will not face any hidden costs at a later date.

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