The Citizenship by Investment Unit (CBIU) of the Caribbean nation of Dominica has announced changes in the world famous CBI program, effective from 15 September 2022.  Requirements for family members to be added in the application have gotten stricter. Siblings cannot be included anymore, adult children must be in full-time education (with an exception made for unmarried daughters), and parents and grandparents must be over 65 years old.  The previous obligation that dependents be "fully supported" by the main applicant or spouse has been somewhat loosened, as the new phrasing demands dependents to be "substantially supported". 

According to the new document, a dependent is defined as: 

(a) A spouse of the main applicant; (b) A child under eighteen years of age of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant; (c) A child of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant between eighteen and thirty years who is in attendance at a recognized institution of higher learning and is substantially supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant;  (d) An unmarried daughter of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant who is under twenty-five years of age and is living with and is fully supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant; (e) A child of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant who is eighteen years of age or older and is physically or mentally challenged and is substantially supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant; (f) Parents or grandparents of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant above the age of sixty-five years who are substantially supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant. 
The CBIU has also announced changes in the minimum amount for investment in the Economic Diversification Fund and changes in the Government fees for real estate investors. Apart from the obvious scrapping of fees for siblings, there is a different price now for adding dependents on the EDF option depending on age.  The current figures are:

Minimum donation for Dominica Economic Diversification Fund (EDF)

  • Single applicant: $200,000
  • Main applicant and up to 3 family members: $250,000
  • Additional family members under 18: $25,000 each
  • Additional family members aged 18 or over: $40,000 each
For applicants who decide to make an investment of at least $200,000 in pre-approved real estate, the government fees are as follows:

Real Estate fees

  • Single applicant: $25,000
  • Family of up to 4 members: $35,000
  • Family of up to 6 members: $50,000
  • Additional family members: $25,000 each
For a detailed exposition of the Citizenship by Investment Program of Dominica, including advantages, requirements and investment options, check our Ultimate Guide for Dominica CBI.